We saw this painting in Jerusalem today. “Ah ha,” said my wife, “can you find Judas the Betrayer?” Also, what is the source of the light?



This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. William Smits

    On the left side of the painting his image as a dark shadowy figure.

  2. Ana

    I think he is the shadow in the back.

  3. Linda Cooper

    Ahh I see that litt twerp running out the back door!

  4. Chris Fleming

    Looking at all the shadows, the light source has to be on the table which makes the shadow on the wall to the left, that of the apostle sitting at the left far corner of the table.
    Perhaps the painting is after Judas departed.

  5. Sharon

    Judas’ shadow is in the doorway, all that’s left after his departure. I think the light source is on the table, where the consecrated bread and wine, Our Lord’s Body and Blood, are now in place.

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