Relevant Radio: I Am On Drew Mariani’s Show Today at 5:30 PM Eastern

Today I will join Drew Mariani at 5:30 PM Eastern to discuss Saints Joachim and Ann, the grandparents of Jesus, parents of his mother. 

Were they real historical figures? Where was Mary born? What was Mary’s family life like? Where do we learn about Joachim and Anna?

Why do we believe in the Immaculate Conception of Mary when even she declared, “My soul does magnify the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God MY SAVIOR?

More on the show. You can listen on-line at

Document about Ss. Joachim and Ann

In the early 2nd century the early Church held a document in very high regard. From this document we learn about the parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary and her own birth.

Since today is the Feast Day of Joachim and Anna, I thought I would provide a link to the Protoevangelium of James so you can read the fascinating story for yourself.

Remember, this is from about 150 AD and was read in many churches in the early years.

Protoevangelium of James

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