Reached a New Goal; Favorite Movie; Families in the Faith

I don’t think it was a coincidence that today I reached a new goal while watching one of my favorite, if not my favorite, movies of all time — Chariots of Fire. This is a great movie filled with love and obedience for God, conflict with Jews and Gentiles, the value of personal achievement and principle and hard work. On top of that, it has some of the best electronic music ever composed.
Yesterday Janet and I watched the first half of Chariots of Fire while running in our basement gym. Yesterday I ran 6 miles at 6.7 miles per hour. Today I ran six miles in 52 minutes — 8.6 minute miles! I also hit a new goal of 157 lbs.
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After that we went to a wedding for a son of one of my best friends. I have known this boy since he wore his first pair of diapers. He is Nicolas Kresta, the son of my friend Al Kresta who I first met in the Fall of 1983 when he was playing the role of Dr. Francis Schaeffer in a play. I had just returned from Switzerland where I had studied with Dr. Schaeffer and I was quite impressed with how well Al understood and acted out the part. Today Al is CEO of Ave Maria Radio and host of Al Kresta Live.
Today was a joy — re-watching a favorite movie, reaching a new long-worked-for goal, and joining the crowd watching the the results of a family commitmented to God and thinking back on all the ways the Krestas have lived that love for God out in their lives. It is rich to watch our children grow up in the Faith.
