It was great doing the Catholic Answers Live show on St. Paul from the Island of Malta. Here are the questions I answered in a very lively hour. To listen on-line listen here. To download the Podcast click here.


1. What are you doing on the Island of Malta and tell us of St. Paul’s evangelism on the island? Did he get to Malta by choice or by disaster?

2. What is St. Paul the Patron of? (Answer: Missions, Theologians, Gentile Christians)

3. St. Paul’s writings are so hard to understand? What can I do to better understand his epistles?

4. Why is St. Paul an Apostle when he was not one of the Twelve who spent three years with Jesus and were witnesses to his resurrection? Why is he not just a disciple?

5. My 9 year old son is working on a project for All Saints Day and he loves St. Paul. We need to know what Paul wore and how my son can best dress to resemble St. Paul?

6. Why are so few Catholic churches named after St. Paul but so many Methodists named after him?

7. Why did you call St. Peter a hypocrite earlier in the show?
