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Who were the Magi? What did the birth of Jesus actually look like? Find out here, with Steve Ray.

Questions Covered:

Initial Questions: Tell us about the Cave; Tell us about the key characters Mary & Joseph; Why a Manger? Why a 14-pointed star on the place of birth; What it is like to be in Bethlehem?  Was there a midwife?

  • 19:26 – What do you know about the Magi? Who were they? Why would they bring a baby gold, frankincense, and myrrh? 
  • 30:52 – Why is Jesus’ genealogy traced through St. Joseph? 
  • 35:13 – Did Mary suffer the pains of childbirth? 
  • 42:15 – When we hear the prayer, “Hail Mary,” I understand that comes from Scripture. Is that what the angel said? How would we know? Did Mary tell people?  What does it mean when Scripture says, “Mary pondered these things in her heart”? 
  • 47:50 – Can we take the stories of Jesus and Mary’s life, and especially of the Nativity, as experienced by the mystics? 
  • 50:42 – Did the Magi make it there on time for the birth of Christ? 

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Donald Carpenter

    I’m curious why when the following list of Saints and councils affirm a miraculous, painless, “passing through” not opening, birth and perpetual virginity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, you don’t. See list here: St Gregory of Nyssa, St. Ambrose of Milan, St Augustine of Hippo, Pope St Leo the Great, Pope Pelagius, St. Proclus of Constantinople, St. John Damascene, St. John Damascene, and the Lateran Council (649 AD) with Pope St. Martin I, the Council of Toledo XVI (693 AD) St. John Damascene, Roman Catechism of the Council of Trent of 1566.

    STEVE RAY HERE: I expected this type comment. You may want to read my article

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