What Was Mary Really Like? We talked about Mary the Real Girl and Mary the Woman of Mystery.
We opened the show with me telling a good bit about daily life in the time of Mary. In a way, idealistic art does us a disservice in understanding the real Mary of Nazareth, just like sanitized crucifixes do us a disservice when it comes to showing the supreme price paid for our sins.
Here are some of the questions I answered Monday on Catholic Answers Live. To listen to the archived show on-line, click here. For other listening options, like iPod, visit here.
–Did Mary have a mystical or other knowledge of the Holy Spirit before her conception?
–What did Mary actually know about her Son and God’s plan? Did she know and understand everything or live by faith?
–How would a young teenage girl get to Elizabeth’s house 80 miles away? I wouldn’t let my daughter walk all that way alone.
–Was Mary close to the Apostle John? and what other man was she close to besides Joseph?
–What do you think of the fruit of Medjugorje?
–A favorite quote from St. Alphonso Ligiouri (quote unsubstantiated at this point)?
–Is there an Old Testament passage that typologically relates or prepares us for the Wedding of Cana?
–Why do Catholic talk about Mary more than Jesus?
