Questions I Answered Monday on "Catholic Answers Live"

It is always a great pleasure to work with Catholic Answers. They are a class-act organization. Monday I was the guest for the monthly "Tough Questions from Non-Catholics." We had some great calls and it seemed everyone was real honest and had good questions.

You can listen to the show on RealAudio by clicking here, or take advantage of their other downloads here.

1) Do Anglicans believe in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist?
2) Is St. Peter's Basilica in Rome really built over the tomb of St. Peter?
3) I have been reading Jehovah's Witness materials and they say the soul is not immortal. Is it?
4) If there is Apostolic Succession, how can Pope's do bad things like calling men to arms? What is infallibility?
5) A Dutch priest is encouraging Catholic to pray to Allah. Is Allah the same God as our Christian God?
6) Was Martin Luther a full-flegded priest when he broke away from Rome?
7) Why do Catholics make salvation so complicated with all their rituals and sacraments? Baptism is NOT necessary for Salvation – just look at the thief on the cross.
8) Why does the Catholic Church allow Hispanic nations to worship idols and statues?
