On Friday we took to the phone to answer questions from non-Catholics. We had some great calls and responses.

One in particular in which I defended the priesthood and seminarians against a charge that most were homosexuals. The Church Militant’s videos were referred to as reason this caller was not willing to become Catholic. Hope you find the show interesting and helpful.

Questions and Topics Covered:

  • 15:48 – Where did the idea of purgatory come from and why does the Orthodox Church not have that concept?
  • 20:42 – I have a question about praying to the Saints.
  • 30:15 – I’ve heard a lot of priests and bishops are homosexuals. I heard this from Church Militant. Is this true?
  • 42:43 – Why do you baptize children and why do you have to confess to a priest?
  • 51:28 – We are commanded to not practice necromancy, so why do Catholics pray to the dead?

Resources Mentioned:


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Lori Simonson

    Dear Steve,
    I always love to hear you speak on radio and tv, and I thank God for your witness. In Christian charity, I need to tell you that, in my opinion, you went overboard in your thrashing of Michael Voris on the air. He comes down rather hard sometimes, to be sure, but you’d have to live under a rock not to notice the pro-gay lobby in tbe US Church. Sure, you have plenty of friends who are exactly what a priest should be, thank God, but that hardly counts as a generalized statistical study. I am no fan of his, but Voris generally does solid, reference-backed investigating. Instead of flying off the handle, you could have calmly given the caller all the information he needed, and YOU wouldn’t have come across as irrational and uncharitable. My comment is meant only to be helpful.

  2. Shane O Reilly

    Hello Steve i really love the way you speak. Your words mean a lot to me. Been having a bit of a tough time with some of the issues I've read about in particular a testimony i came across by a nun called Charlotte Keckler. It really shocked me what happened to her in the convent at the hands of the sisters and priests and what happened to so many women was an unspeakable evil. I know this happened many years ago now but i was wondering if you'd come across this story??

    Steve Ray here:

    Shane, I have not come across a story but nothing surprises me anymore. The church is made up of Saints and sinners and there’s a whole bunch of sinners. I think that God is starting to purify the church. It is going to be painful and take some time in the church maybe smaller in the end but it will be more holy. Don’t give up or be discouraged. It’s time to fight and to pray.

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