Ronald Regan’s Christmas message in December 23, 1981. It is not a bad idea to watch this short Christmas greeting from President Ronald Reagan again. It is good to again hear about God and the faith in the White House.


This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. sandi

    I just watched this — the American Family Association sent it out, too. What a beautiful message from a former President–full of hope. It almost made me cry.

  2. Thomas M Govern

    What a great message from a great President, unafraid to use the name “Jesus”! I posted it to Facebook and sent it out to all my email friends.

    Steve, thanks for finding this. God bless you and Janet, Merry Christmas and safe travels.

  3. Edward Hara

    Yeah. Too bad it was all words with him. Typical politician – say what is palatable for the masses.

    I'll give you just one of many examples. He was responsible for the closing down of mental health facilities across the nation. This turned loose many very desperately ill people who would go on to commit some horrendous crimes. But I guess when you are pampering the military/industrial complex, something has to go in order to funnel money to the Pentagon.

    STEVE RAY HERE: Wow, that’s very cynical and, in my estimation shortsighted indeed. I recall President Reagan with fond memory and consider him one of our best. Together with St. JP II he brought down the Soviet Evil Empire. If for nothing else (along with his decidedly pro-life stance) I applaud him for that — and much more.

  4. Leslie

    “He was responsible for the closing down of mental health facilities across the nation. This turned loose many very desperately ill people who would go on to commit some horrendous crimes.”

    Mr. Hara might try reading about O’Connor v. Donaldson and its effect on the mentally ill. You might try this, too:

  5. Bill912

    Mr. Hara, you seem to have a rich fantasy life. As a retired police sergeant in the state of NY, I remember liberal politicians like our former governor, Mario Cuomo (or, as I called him, Mario Compassionate), closing down mental health facilities, resulting in thousands of mentally ill people living on the streets and in wooded areas, panhandling and defecating on the streets and committing crimes, instead of getting the treatment they needed.

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