Damian is a marvelous and very holy young man considering the priesthood. You will never find a more lovely, talented, fun, caring, athletic and thoroughly Catholic young man.
From my daughter Cindy
Please pray for my son Damian. He has a blind spot in the center of his vision in his left eye. This is the novena that we are asking people to pray for Damian’s eyes, for the return of his full central vision in his left eye, and for a clear diagnosis and wisdom for all the doctors, we will be seeing this week.
If you start the novena today then it will end on the Feast of St. Lucy (patroness of vision), and also my birthday! https://novenaprayer.com/2021/12/04/st-lucy-novena-prayer/
Thank you so much for praying with us!

If you haven’t heard any details yet, here is a short summary:
Damian had trouble with internal bleeding and inflammation in his left eye back in August, as many of you know, and they thought they knew the issue, but last Tuesday he noticed a partial loss of vision (which he didn’t tell us about until late that night), and we got him in as soon as possible last week on Wednesday. They can now see that the problem is progressing, so it’s not fundamentally trauma-caused after all (though there may be that, too).
They’re pretty sure it’s a rare condition (serpiginous choroiditis) that is either caused by TB or is auto-immune. They ran a whole panoply of tests last Sept, and the TB test was negative, so it looks like this is the auto-immune version. The doctors are pretty concerned because the inflammation is encroaching on the center of his vision area (fovea).
They gave him a steroid injection into his eye, and he’s on oral steroids now, too. We are meeting with an auto-immune specialist on Friday and with a couple of other doctors as well. This condition may progress and cause damage to his vision in both eyes, so we are praying hard that that doesn’t happen!
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Will keep him and your family in prayer sir!
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