“Pope Benedict XVI will appoint an apostolic delegate to supervise the Legionaries of Christ, the Vatican announced on May 1.

“The Saturday announcement from the Vatican press office came a day after the five bishops who had conducted an apostolic visitation of the Legionaries presented their report. In a strongly worded statement, the Vatican indicated that the bishops had reached a “widely convergent evaluation and a shared opinion” on the need for “profound re-evaluation” of the religious order.”
(Picture: Fr. Marcial Maciel Degollado, March 10, 1920 – Jan 30, 2008, founder of the Legion)
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Source(s): these links will take you to other sites, in a new window.
Vatican Statement on Apostolic Visitation of Legionaries of Christ
(Vatican Radio)
Pope Benedict to Overhaul Legion of Christ (Wall Street Journal)
Pope Reins In Catholic Order Tied to Abuse (New York Times)
Wikipedia article on Fr. Marcial
Legion of Christ responds to Vatican statement; awaits next moves [updated]
The Legionaries of Christ have issued a brief statement in response to Pope Benedict’s decision to appoint an apostolic delegate to supervise the community.
Pope moves to take control of Legion of Christ
Pope Benedict XVI will appoint an apostolic delegate to supervise the Legionaries of Christ, the Vatican announced on May 1.
