Note for Canon Law Blog Subscribers (as posted by my friend and Canon Lawyer, Ed Peters:
Serious discussion of Canon 915 requires access to key documents on the law and awareness of the positions taken thereon by qualified commentators. I have developed a webpage for those who wish to understand, and perhaps contribute to, the discussions on the application of Canon 915 in the life of the Church. I will try to update the page as feasible.
(Picture: Pro-abort Senator John Kerry receiving communion)
See my Resources for Understanding and Applying Canon 915.
Canon law blog offers resources on denial of Communion
In the Code of Canon Law, #915 sets out the circumstances under which Catholics “are not to be admitted” to receive Communion. In light of the frequent debates about the reception of Communion by public figures who oppose Church teachings on key moral issues, canon lawyer Edward Peters has put together a site offering resources to help the public understand the legislation and the circumstances when it should be applied.
The actual text is: Can. 915 Those upon whom the penalty of excommunication or interdict has been imposed or declared, and others who obstinately persist in manifest grave sin, are not to be admitted to holy communion.
Archbishops Dolan and Listecki on holy Communion for pro-aborts

Archbishops Dolan of New York and Listecki of Milwaukee recently came under fire for comments they made seeming to express reluctance to withhold holy Communion from Catholic politicians under various conditions. Particularly in open-forum comment boxes (always to be taken with shovel-fulls of salt, those!), there’s a lot of sky-is-falling carping against the prelates for shirking their duties, abandoning babies, betraying Pope Benedict, and so on. Hogwash.
Read why here:
