Dear Steve and Janet,
Last night I attendied my first Good Friday service after having gone to the Holy Land with you. I was moved beyond words.
As Jesus walked to Golgotha in The Passion, mentally I was tracing the steps to and in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. I pictured what it looked like then and now. I pictured where Mary stood. I felt the rock again in my mind. I smelled the wood of my Rosary and remembered the places we went. I remembered the darkness of most of that church but also the bright light above the tomb.
(Steve’s Note: To take a 360 degree tour of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre mentioned by Ken, click here and be amazed! Picture to right is the dome above the Tomb of Christ.)
Last week as they read the Passion at Mass, my fiancee leaned over to me and said “You were there”. What she didn’t know was that for those few moments, I was back there again. I’ve got to take her there some day.
Yesterday as I drove home I saw some ponds and the waves from the wind and I thought back to the Sea of Galilee, then later I pictured Capernaum.
I can’t tell you how much that trip meant. I don’t want it to be a once in a lifetime event. I want to go back. Thank you both for being our guides, spiritual and otherwise. Christmas was wonderful and I’m sure Easter will be too.
Have a Blessed Easter.
Peace, Ken
