Still unable to use the internet here to put up the videos so I will give a short report instead. Today we landed in Haifa at 8:00 AM and disembarked for our three buses. We started the day at Caesarea Maritime where Paul was imprisoned for two years and where Peter baptized the first Gentile convert. We had a delicious lunch in Nazareth with authentic Palestinian foods.
Then to Nazareth for Mass at the Grotto of the Annunciation and a tour of the church. After Mass we drove to Cana where we all renewed our Wedding Vows. We had many good teaching moments along the way and a lot of friendships formed and good laughs. Back to the ship for dinner and a free evening.
Everyone is doing great and having a marvelous time. I will get videos up as soon as I can but it may be a week or so unhappily due to technical issues with the internet on the ship and the time limitations I have leading two groups back-to-back. But I will keep everyone informed since I know lots of family and friends are keeping track of the pilgrims. Tomorrow we go to Bethlehem and Jerusalem. Stay tuned!
