Today (Wednesday, Nov. 18) we started the day viewing the Ancient Boat from the 1st century before boarding a modern boat for a ride on the Sea of Galilee. After that we had Mass in Capernaum where Jesus said, “Eat My Flesh & Drink My Blood.” Steve gave his talk “Defending the Eucharist” in the place Jesus said these words.
Then we were off Tabgha where Jesus performed the miracle of the Multiplication of the Loaves and Fish. If anyone tells you it was not a miracle but that Jesus just taught the people to share — tell them they are crazy and then find the twelve page article on my website that proves such a modernist idea is absurd.
We then went to Tanureen Restaurant to eat St. Peter Fish (with the heads on) and then drove two hours up (south) to Jerusalem! Along the way Steve told his conversion story on both buses and the five priests all told their vocation stories. What fun!
We then visited Ein Kerem where Mary went to visit her relative Elizabeth. Steve gave his talk on Mary, the Ark of the New Covenant and we prayed the Mystery of the Visitation. We then drove to the Notre Dame Hotel for dinner and bed.
Videos Part I and II.
