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The Glorious Petra carved into rocks

In February we will be going to the beautiful country of Jordan. Christians thrive there and have some of the most spectacular churches in the Middle East. Daily Mass with the locals and the best Middle Eastern cuisine you’ll find anywhere.

We will visit Petra and ride camels back to the city carved out of the rocks. Smithsonian Mass at the authentic baptismal site of Jesus, view the Promised Land like Moses did from the top of Mount Nebo, see King Herod’s fortress where John the Baptist was beheaded. Elijah was born here and assumed into heaven from Jordan.

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And that is just the beginning. Jordan is a friendly, safe, beautiful and biblical land. We have the best Catholic guide (my friend Elias; we are his daughter’s godparents), best hotels, excellent food and a comfortable bus with a small, intimate group.

After our pilgrimage through Jordan we will drive across the Jordan River for a full pilgrimage through the Holy Land in Israel. What a trip! This will not be repeated for another couple years so jump on board now.

See our interactive map and website HERE. Download the brochure HERE. Read my personal invitation above to the right.

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Mass at Site of Jesus' Baptism


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Tom Govern

    I will be there!! What a great add to the Holy Land pilgrimage!

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