Janet and I (crazies) laying out in the driveway at 4 AM watching the Perseid Meteor Shower. This year we only saw one but last year a whole bunch way up north where there was no ambient light. Jupiter was very visible and so was the Milky Way. We didn’t stay out long because of pesky mosquitoes. (Why did God create them, or are they a result of the Fall like thorns and thistles?)
Another name for these showers is St Laurence’s Tears because it occurs on the feast day of this famous Roman deacon who was martyred by being roasted on a griddle.
It is a good exercise to gaze up into the heavens like this once in a while to remember how small we are and how big God us. The ancients took more time for things like gazing at stars than us too-busy Americans with TVs on all the time (we pulled the plug on TV two years ago – great decision for the family).
Read Psalm 19:1-3 and Romans 1:18-22. Below is similar to what we saw tonight.
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