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It is always nice to be vindicated. It is always nice to see what we firmly believe proven by archaeology and research. Such is the case with the Tomb of St. Paul.

In our DVD Paul, Contending for the Faith I stood in front of the high altar in the Church of St. Paul outside the Walls and pointed to the place below — where St. Paul is buried. We have always believed this – it has been a long-standing tradition of the Church.

But now we get the news that Vatican archaeologists are convinced they have discovered the actual sarcophagus which contain the bones of St. Paul.

“Under the altar a marble plaque was still visible, dating back to the 4th century, and bearing the inscription: ‘Apostle Paul, martyr.’ Filippi remarks that surprisingly, ‘Nobody ever thought to look behind that plaque.’ When the Vatican team looked, they found the sarcophagus.”

For the full Catholic World News article, click here.      sray@me.com
