Every one of them is so different — every one of them is so wonderful.  Grandkids are great already, but then to have these six is pretty special.

Here you see from left to right: Joshua Thomas Ray, Damian Augustine Brown, Maria Faustina Ray, Dominic Joseph Brown, Gianna Catherine Brown and Samuel Tarsissius Ray. The two old folks are Janet and me. Never dreamed of being a grandpa sleeping with a grandma — sure snuck up on us quick.

I remember the days when I was little, playing with my two younger brothers and looking up to my older sister and brother. Now look at us. Geez, what planet did this group drop in from?

From right to left, front row first: Dad, Mom, older sister Patty, younger brother Tim, younger brother Dave, me, older brother Bob. Dad is 88 years old and Mom is 86. They are still doing pretty good but slowing down and as they say — ready to meet the Lord. I spent 2 hours interviewing them on video today to give the kids up top a way to know their great grandparents long after they're gone.

Families are amazing; time marches on; new generations replace the old. Little Stevie is now a grandpa. Can't believe it. Better live right because I'm way over the hump and heading toward the finish line. These little ones will have to take the Gospel to the next generation so we better train them right too.
