Thanks to Obama, our health insurance was canceled with Blue Cross & Blue Shield. We had this for many years but now it is gone due to our president.
We found a new Christian insurance company which will give us good coverage and we will not be participating in abortion contraceptives. You may want to check this out.
Christians Exempt From Insurance Mandates!

I have great news for you! Christians everywhere are eligible to receive a special exemption from the taxes, penalties and mandates in the Patient Affordable Care Act.
Our economy is bad enough and according to a recent study by Price Waterhouse Coopers, the new law will likely make health insurance premiums rise by 40% in the next three years. Christians everywhere are already looking at their finances and wondering, “How am I going to be able to afford decent healthcare?”
But there is good news! As a healthcare sharing ministry, Medi-Share has provided Christians with an alternative to the high cost of insurance since 1993. Healthcare Sharing Ministries like Medi-Share are the only organized healthcare concept to receive an exemption from the regulations and costs of the recently passed law. (pages 107 and 128, H.R. 3590 as passed).
Learn more about Medi-Share and Healthcare Reform!
We are grateful to God for His mercy, favor and protection over our ministry. Since 1993, Medi-Share members have saved more than $750 Million in healthcare expenses through sharing and discounting. But best of all, Medi-Share offers a true community of shared commitment to Biblical values! Check out our Mission & Vision Video to hear the heart of Christian Care Ministry.
We are excited that you are considering joining our ministry. We understand healthcare is an important decision and we encourage you to seek the Lord’s guidance and direction. Please know that we are here to answer any of your questions!

Renee D Jacobs | Member Development Specialist
Toll Free :: 1-800-772-5623
ext #2218
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WebSite ::
My homeschooling Catholic son with 7 children will get a small referral credit to his monthly bill if you sign up through this link:
