Happy to say that everyone arrived safely and in good order. Only one glitch with a few folks from Florida (Fr. Gavin and Janine among them) who got diverted but they arrived at 2 AM.

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The Queen Alia International Airport in Amman Jordan is an amazingly beautiful modern airport.  Jordan is one of the safest, cleanest and developed countries in the Middle East. Our Le Grand Hotel is clean and elegant — one of the nicest in Amman (only the best for our groups.

We always love arriving here to meet our friends and our goddaughter Leah (we baptized her in the Jordan River when she was a baby 17 years ago) and to lead pilgrims through this amazing historic and biblical land.


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Tom Govern

    Tell all the pilgrims that I will personally offer a $1000 prize to any who finds where Moses is buried and can prove it! Give them so free time at Mount Nebo. God bless all on this journey. Tell Elias that I said hello!

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