Thirty years ago today a beautiful 19 year old girl said "Yes" and married me. It was December 4, 1976 — it was the best thing that ever happened to me.

I had hair back then, but she says I am still handsome even though it is gone. I was 30 pounds lighter back then, but she says now there is more to love.

(Click on the pictures for larger images. Rich Sullivan was the minister who officiated at our wedding. We have been friends now for over  35 years. We were married in Geneva Presbyterian Church in Canton, Michigan.)

Even though it is a lot of extra work, Janet Lee (Sklenar) Ray loves me enough to keep her hair long just because she knows how much I love it. And it is still just as beautifully blond as it was back then. 

When Janet married me I was just starting a janitorial company. She had no idea whether I would be successful or not but pledged herself to me, trusted me and she gave me all the support, love and incentive to work my heart out. It is to her that I owe whatever successes I have achieved. She is the love of my life!

Time flies. Memories build. Families grow. Bones start aching. Some day when we are in our 80's, Lord willing, we will sit on our porch swing and remember the “good 'ole days“ — taking the time to look back in wonder and amazement — but until then we are a team with far too much to do for Our Lord and family to be sitting around relaxing.

Thank You Lord, for finding this woman for me. I couldn't dream of a better friend, lover, and partner — not to mention mother of our children and grandmother for our grandchildren (number six arrives January 15). I am truly blessed beyond measure.

P.S.  My mom says I was very lucky to find Janet because she says there's not another woman in the world would have put up with me!

P.P.S.  My parents just celebrated their 67th anniversary, so we have a ways to go to catch up with their wonderful example!

P.P.P.S.  Janet's mom writes: "It seems like yesterday that you were walking down the aisle — the only wedding where the congregation stood through the entire ceremony, as I recall!!  I was waiting for Hugh to sing as a cue to sit – – and the rest were to follow the mother of the bride.  Well, Hugh had laryngitis & didn't sing at all!!  So I didn't sit!!  And no one else sat either!!  LOL"

 Jimmy Akin even put a story about this on his blog with lots of comments. Thanks Jimmy!
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