Ouch!  After the local Bishop wrote a blistering letter to Fr. Jenkins, now the Professor Emeritus of Notre Dame Law School writes one too! (Check out Dr. Rice’s new book What Happened to Notre Dame?.)
An open letter from Dr. Charles E. Rice, Professor Emeritus of Notre Dame Law School, to Fr. John Jenkins, President of University of Notre Dame. Read the letter here.
An excerpt:

“Fr. Norman Weslin, O.S., 79 years old and in very poor health, was handcuffed by Notre Dame Security Police as he sang “Immaculate Mary” on the campus sidewalk near the entrance.  He asked them, “Why would you arrest a Catholic priest for trying to stop the killing of a baby?”  The NSDP officers put him on a pallet and dragged him away to jail.  St. Joseph County Police were also there.  I urge you to watch the readily available videos of Fr. Weslin’s arrest.  If you do, I will be surprised and disappointed if you are not personally and deeply ashamed.

“Such treatment of such a priest may be the lowest point in the entire history of Notre Dame.  You would profit from knowing Fr. Weslin.  Notre Dame should give Fr. Weslin the Laetare Medal rather than throw him in jail……”
