… with my usual “Open Forum for Non-Catholics.”

Here are the questions I answered. Listen on-line here; see other listening options such as podcasts here.


1. Why do Catholics think that gay marriage should be illegal but not birth control and fornication?

2. What is meant by grace that Catholics receive in the sacraments? Does each sacrament give you a different grace?

3. How do we know which gospels about Jesus are valid and should be included in the Bible and which ones should be considered heresy and dismissed?

4. With all the different religions out there, why Catholicism?

5. Since the Reformation has the Catholic Church changed any of the things that Martin Luther objected to?

6. I grew up in an Assemblies of God family. Is salvation the most basic tenet of Catholicism that is shared by all Christians?

7. I am reading your amazing book book of your conversion — Crossing the Tiber. What is the last big obstacle for you in your conversion? Did you have any second thoughts when you went to your first Mass?

8. I am a Lutheran but my Episcopalian friend wanted communion last Sunday so he went to a Catholic Church and received communion. What do you think of that 

9. As a non-Catholic I wonder why does the authority of the Catholic Church usurp the authority of other local churches?


This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Mark Alan

    Go get’em Steve! Always love listening to your shows. I learn a lot and it makes me do more research.
    God Bless!

  2. Nancy Morman

    Listened to you for the first time tonight. converted to Catholicism 36 years ago, you explained many things in my 30 minute drive home that I have been wondering about for years! Best answers ever! Thanks you Steven and Patrick!

  3. Morgan

    I was the first caller today with question number one on this list (I was SO nervous to call because Catholic Answers is great & I listen everyday). I liked you on the show today and decided to take a look at your website. Thank you for all that you do. Resources such as these really do help people like myself who are curious about the church. God willing, I plan on converting.

  4. Mark Alan

    I hope that God leads you “back home” to the Catholic Church and I, for one, will be praying for you. There are LOTS of great Catholic sources but there are also (sadly) a greater deal of anti-Catholic sources. Take your time, pray about what you discover, ask a lot of questions, and most importantly – VERIFY the sources that you are given. I state this because many anti-Catholics like to misquote and misrepresent what the Church and Her Early Fathers wrote and taught.
    My whole family fell away from the Church due to our family business at the time, and sadly none of us could defend our Faith as we got older. Plus, we had a very poor catechesis. When I returned home after being away for nearly 30 years, I was overwhelmed with all the knowledge, beauty, and richness of the Catholic Church. My journey home actually came about as a result of my stumbling upon anti-Catholic sources and researching their claims.
    I would also recommend that you read books by those who converted from strongly and staunchly anti-Catholic backgrounds; people like Steve Ray here, Tim Staples, Jimmy Akin, Dr. David Anders, Dr. Peter Kreeft, Dr. Scott Hahn and many more. Converts usually have the most zeal and love for Our Faith and the obstacles they faced may be very similar to yours. Their works will be your boat and oar for your journey in crossing the Tiber.
    God Bless.

  5. Morgan

    Thank you very much for your kind words. What a gift to be prayed for. My family is not religious at all, therefore my being prayed for is not a common occurance. Thank you for the resources you mentioned. I have read a few Scott Hahn books and enjoyed them very much. I will have to check out Steve’s books too! I’m so glad you found your place in the church. It seems you gained a deeper faith through your trails. It’s true, converts have so much passion.
    Thank you as well to Steve Ray for your encouraging words! What an honor to be emailed.

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