Yes, there is a 30 foot high wall that surrounds Bethlehem and the Christians are secluded behind the wall along with the Muslims, even though the Christians have never caused a problem. So today we spent the day driving through that wall into Bethlehem to visit the place of Jesus’s birth but also to support Jesus’ his people.

We start the day and our favorite shop for the only time we do shopping in the Holy Land. We support the Christian artisans and buy beautiful olive wood carvings along with many other things. We hear the OUR FATHER sung in the language of Jesus.

Then to the Church of Nativity to touch the birthplace of Christ before having a delightful Bethlehem lunch.

Mass in the caves of Shepherds Field (homily here) and then an evening of dinner and dancing where we eat two whole roasted lambs and dance with the costumed local Bethlehem young people.
