n a clear case of religious discrimination, Office Depot has refused to print 500 copies of a flyer that contains a prayer to end abortion at the hands of Planned Parenthood. Chicago resident Maria Goldstein wanted to make a few hundred copies for her parish and went to her local Office Depot store, where her request for service was rebuffed.

The prayer is part of a national prayer campaign by Priests for Life that begins this Saturday.

What offended Office Depot to the point that it would refuse to take the order? These words:

Bring an end to the killing of children in the womb,
And bring an end to the sale of their body parts.
Bring conversion to all who do this,
And enlightenment to all who advocate it.

The Chicago Tribune reports that an Office Depot corporate spokeswoman Karen Denning said this is backing the store’s decision because the prayer “advocates the persecution of people who support abortion rights.” Actually, the opposite is true: the prayer advocates their conversion, enlightenment, and salvation.

Maria Goldstein has enlisted the help of a Chicago-based law firm which has given Office Depot five business days to agree to print the flyer or it will take the matter to the Cook County Human Rights Commission and the Illinois Department of Human Rights.

Let’s support Maria by adding our voices to those urging Office Depot to print the flyers.



This Post Has One Comment

  1. emma072012Emma

    disgusting but happens in UK too. I was once told by a Police Officer to remove a sticker from my car upholding the sanctity of marriage. Apparently it would likely offend gay people!!!!! When I appealed the court upheld the Police Officer.

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