The Eternal City keeps calling us and again we respond to the call :-)  Actually, Janet and I are are heading for Rome again to explore and do more research for our “Footprints of God” video/DVD series. The relics of St. Augustine arrive in Rome this week — we will see them.

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We will continue to discover everything we can about the Fathers and Doctors of the Church that will be emphasized in our series and their relationship to Rome.

The Fathers: Ignatius of Antioch, Clement of Rome, Polycarp of Smyrna, and Justin Martyr. The Doctors: Augustine, Ambrose, Athanasius, and John Chrysostom. It was just announced that the relics of Chrysostom, now in St. Peters in Rome, will be sent to Istanbul. We will visit them one last time in St. Peter’s before they are moved.

We will try to keep up with the blog while away. We will keep our Message Board members and blog readers in our prayers while in the Eternal City and the center of the Church.
