Archbishop Burke denounces Obama appearance at Notre Dame
In a May 8 address to the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast in Washington, DC, Archbishop Raymond Burke said that a commencement speech by President Barack Obama at Notre Dame would be the “source of the greatest scandal.” The American-born head of the Apostolic Signatura, the Vatican’s highest court, denounced the “unparalleled arrogance” of American policy-makers who are aggressively promoting legal abortion and subverting the integrity of marriage and family life. “As Catholics,” the archbishop added, “we cannot fail to notice with the greatest sadness the number of our fellow Catholics who cooperate fully to the advancement of a national agenda which is anti-life and anti-family.” . . .
Poll: Catholics oppose Notre Dame honor for Obama by 60%-25% margin
A telephone survey conducted by Rasmussen Reports has found that 52% of Americans– and 60% of Catholics– believe that the University of Notre Dame should not have made the decision to award President Barack Obama an honorary degree. . . .
Notre Dame Students’ Response on YouTube
