At 4 AM Eastern Time, or noon in Rome, Pope Francis officially released his newest encyclical titled Laudato Si — Praise Be: On the Care for our Common Home. 
First — here is a link to the document itself: 
In case the Vatican website is down (as it was earlier), here is another link to the document:


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Tom Govern

    Haven’t seen the whole document but as I understand the reporting of it, Pope Francis is a bit too critical. I really do not believe that the major problem is with wealthy counties, more so those developing their economies or just subsisting. Most developed counties could indeed get “Greener” but asking someone who is heating their home with dung, well they do not have options. Can developing countries and economies really implement and/or afford “green” solutions? Still, he is a very refreshing element giving us a lot to think about.

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