National Catholic Register: “Pope Francis Did Not Just Authorize Priests to Bless Same-Sex Unions: A COMMENTARY

This is an article from the EWTN-owned National Catholic Register and recommended by Al Kresta.

COMMENTARY: Anyone who claims that the Fiducia Supplicans authorizes blessings of same-sex unions has not read the declaration or is intentionally misinterpreting it. You can read the article HERE.

I found it illuminating — a good assist to understand the Declaration: what is says, what it doesn’t say, and why it is causing so much confusion. It is a balanced and thoughtful commentary which should be read and understood.

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But the distinction between blessing the people and not the union will be lost on most and be a nightmare for priests.

But this whole affair brings to mind the “nose of the camel under the tent”.

An Old Arab Proverb says, “Once a camel gets his nose under a tent, the whole camel soon follows!”


