My Two Detailed Hikes through Dublin Introducing Friends to a Beautiful, Friendly, Catholic City

I am in Dublin for two reasons: first, we finished leading a fun and deeply spiritual pilgrimage here and second, I am now conducting an apologetics conference here for four evenings at the Carmelite Church in downtown Dublin.

During the day I set out to hike throughout the city to see all the highlights, elegant churches and history. I miscalculated and could not do it all in one day so I split the walking tour into two days. The first day was over 7 miles and the second day was 6 miles.

Over the two days I covered all the highlights and people of the city — and I think you will enjoy the tour. It incorporates interactive GPS mapping, pictures and many videos. If you have time for only one of the “videos” watch Day Two which has more of the historical and cultural sites (but you’ll miss Guinness 🙂

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Click on the map for interactive map, pictures and videos. Part One of the thorough hike through Dublin

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Molly Malone, most photographed thing in Dublin. Click on map for interactive map, pictures and videos
