For those wondering about the course I just taught at the Regina Apostolorum University in Rome.
Click on the image to left for a larger picture
We just finished the five day intensive course. It went very well and was very well received. The sponsor, Fr. Alfonso Aguilara, in charge of a LOT of things at the university, was very happy and wants me to come back for another course. Our host and constant companion this week was our good friend and newly ordained priest, Fr. Benjamin Cieply. (his vocation story).
This course was all taped on audio and video and I will have original copies of both. I will make them available on my website as I am able. By the way, it was being translated simultaneously into Italian which was a new experience for me.
The doctoral students who attended the course earned university credits toward their licentiate. Some students came as far as from Torino. There were also American students who were delightful and full of fun and interest. We will miss all of these wonderful folks we grew so fond of. The seminarians coming to the course from the North American College said they will get me over there to do the same course. That would be fun. I LOVE this!
Talks were each about 90 minutes long:
1.   Introduction to Catholic Apologetics
2.   From Baptist to Catholic, My Conversion Story
3.   Authority 1: Scripture and Tradition
4.   Authority 2: Peter and the Papacy
5.   Mary Part 1: from Birth of Mary to Birth of Jesus
6.   Mary Part 2: From Life in Nazareth to Queen of Heaven
7:   St. John: Studying Scripture as Preparation for Apologetics
8:   Top 10 Zingers Used Against Catholics
9:   St. Paul: His Life, Teachings & Context for Apologetics
10: What Must I Do To Be Saved?
11: Defending the Priesthood & the Eucharist
12: Lot of Questions and Answers
Part I: Teaching in Rome

Part II: Cooking and Eating in Rome
