My new book on Genesis is finally published by Ignatius Press: “Genesis, A Bible Study Guide and Commentary”

My new very Catholic commentary on Genesis is now for sale! You can get a signed copy on my Web Store.

What is the most important book in the Bible? I would argue that its Genesis, the first book of the Bible, and 2nd longest book in the Bible.

The title kind of gives it away. Genesis means “beginning” and it is a book of beginnings and even before the beginning. The beginning of the universe, the beginning of life on earth and the unique creation of man and woman. The beginning of sin and suffering, of redemption and hope.

It is fascinating to reflect on the first and second times the word love is used, the first time we find the word priest, prayer, angel and death. How does the offering of Isaac prefigure the passion of our Lord?

After many years of research, travel and writing, my new book on Genesis has finally been released by Ignatius Press. The title corresponds to my earlier book on St. John’s Gospel. It is entitled “Genesis, A Bible Study Guide and Commentary.”

I think it is the only recent stand alone Catholic commentary and study of the first book of the Bible. It is thoroughly Catholic, easy to read and full of fun facts and interesting stories. I’ve been told it reads like a novel. Scholars will find it helpful for their research and first timers will find the book a delight to read and easy to digest.

Genesis is a book of divine revelation. Through its pages God informs us of things we could never know with our five senses, the scientific method or speculation. Where do we come from?  Is there anything “out there”? Do we have a purpose? Where are we going? Is death the end? Is there meaning to the universe and our personal lives? Is history going somewhere or is existence only random, meaningless, unassociated events?

The beauty of Genesis is that it opens the vistas of existence and shows us the elegance of God’s creation, the brilliance of his plan and the precision of its execution in space and time.

The stories of Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph are dripping with meaning for us today. They show haw God can draw straight with crooked lines and how he brings about his plan of restoration. These true stories are full of rich theology and the whole landscape of the book screams, “God has a plan and it will be fulfilled in Christ!”

Christ can be found on almost every page and the Trinity is already revealed throughout the flow of history. Remember what Jesus said while on the Road to Emmaus? “And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself”. (Luke 24:27)

Two of the greatest compliments I’ve received to date are from a reviewer who told me they cried as they read the chapter on the creation of man and women— it was a devotional reflection full of meaning for them.

The second was from one of the editors who told me they got carried away with reading and forgot they were editing the text. They had to go back and start each chapter over again as an editor and not one caught up in the story.

You can purchase of signed copy of my new book on my web store at I signed each copy that is shipped. Hope you enjoy the book and are edified by its content.

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This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Frank M. Rega

    Truly a book I would like to read. Genesis is so rich in mystery and meaning. As an aside, I am an author myself, I worry about whether signing my books is just vanity, and if it is just vanity for those who want a signed book.

    STEVE RAY HERE: I try to bring out all the deep meanings and typology, info on the Trinity and the fulfillment of Christ in the book. I have no problem signing. It is a gesture of kindness to those who would like a signed copy. I think sometimes we can have a false sense of vanity or humility. No problem to sign books in my estimation. I consider it a great honor.

  2. Tom+Govern

    I waited so long for this one that a signing is appreciated!

    STEVE RAY HETE: I will have a signed copy when you come for dinner!

  3. Bill Moran

    Steve, the praise for this book bears witness to your knowledge and love of the Bible and the Catholic faith.
    Can’t wait to receive a copy. Can I come for dinner?

    STEVE RAY HERE: You can! I think you are really enjoyed the book and it reads like a novel by brings out all the nuances enjoy some Christian meanings and typology and deeper meanings of words intact. I “almost as many Jewish rabbis as I do fathers of the church. Let me know what you think after you’ve read it.

  4. David Schabel

    Hi, Steve: Heard you on CA Live, and want to get this book. Will it be available as an ebook anywhere?

    STEVE RAY HERE: David, I cannot guarantee it, but I am quite sure that Ignatius press will turn it into an e-book.

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