My Interview with Dr. Gavin Ashenden, former Anglican priest and Chaplain to the Queen of England

Let me introduce a new friend of mine. He is a new convert from Anglican to Catholic. His associates just can’t figure out why he did that.

We met over e-mail and I found him brilliant, humorous, devout and a great communicator with predictable British wit. It was a delightful interview. I hope you enjoy it.

Gavin Ashenden
Gavin Ashenden (2018).jpg
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Gavin Roy Pelham Ashenden (born 3 June 1954) is a British Catholic layman, author and commentator, and Associate Editor of the Catholic Herald. Formerly a priest of the Church of England, and subsequently a continuing Anglican bishop. He was appointed Chaplain to the Queen from 2008 until his resignation in 2017.

From his website:

Catholic Herald Podcast 34: Steve Ray’s Personal Pilgrimage

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“This week Dr Gavin Ashenden talks to Steve Ray, the acclaimed American author of Crossing The Tiber and Upon This Rock, among other titles, and a man hailed as one of the most effective Catholic apologists of the present generation.

In this 34th episode of the Merely Catholic podcast series for the Catholic Herald, Mr Ray recalls how he left the Baptist faith of his youth to become a dedicated and highly-motivated Catholic after, like St John Henry Newman, he studied the writings of such Fathers as Ss Irenaeus of Lyon, Ignatius of Antioch and Polycarp of Smyrna and recognised that their sub-Apostolic faith was the same as that professed by the Catholic Church.

Mr Ray also offers some insight into new and emerging contemporary crises in the history of the Church and shares some opinions about what the future may hold.”

Click here to listen
