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Mormons are a group that started in the 1800's. They have "elders" (engraved on their nametags) who ride bikes around knocking on people's doors. They are usually 18-22 years old. The last time I looked up "elder" in the dictionary it meant "older person." Not sure how a 19 year old acqiures the title and office of "elder." They know about as much as any other teenager. They spew the Mormon tradition they have been indoctrinated with and too many Catholics are left speechless because of their ignorance of their own Catholic faith.

On Teresa Tomeo's show today on Ave Maria Radio, the question arose about their teaching on the "Great Apostacy" which claims that after the Apostles the Church fell away into heresy. It seems they forgot that Jesus taught that he would be with his Church always, even to the end of the age (Matt 28:18-20), and that the Gates of Hell would never prevail against it (Matt 16:18-19). Their teaching makes a liar out of Jesus by claiming that he let the Church fall for 1800 years until Joseph Smith came along.

I also have a list of Favorite Links to help with Cults and other religions here. For a Quick Summary to help witness to Mormons, click here. To read "Interview with Two Mormon Elders," click here. To read "Ed Decker Answers the Mormon Elders, click here.
