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The next pilgrimage Janet and I will lead is the Legatus group headquartered in Naples Florida. I will be having a conference call with the registered pilgrims on Thursday and Friday to update them on the status or our pilgrimage in light of the fighting in Lebanon and northern Israel. Gary Rosaasen and John Lemmer will join me.

Our pilgrimage is moving ahead full steam. We would never take pilgrims into harm's way and we are watching the situation carefully. We are also in close touch with our friends and associates in Israel.

We expect the hostilities to subside shortly with a negotiated settlement. We are still three months out and we expect things to be safe and ready for our pilgrimage well before we leave. However, In the unexpected chance that the Lebanese border and northern Israel is still in turmoil, then we will provide an alternative itinerary to avoid the tense areas.

This alternative itinerary would be full and exciting — and far from the hostilities in the north. We would substitute two and a half days in the north with a full and biblical intinerary around Jerusalem, Masada, Qumran, Jericho, the Dead Sea, Emmaus, Tel Aviv, Ancient Joppa, Yad Vashem (Holocost Museum) and more. 

For the full expected itinerary, click here. For the full "alternative itinerary", click here. If you an't access them, send me an e-mail and I will send them to you.
