After a tour of the beautiful Catholic city of Burgos Spain we drove through the lovely countryside filled with fields of wheat and sunflowers. We went up into the mountains in the Basque country and stopped at the shrine and Loyola.
This was a delightful surprise for everyone with the beautiful Jesuit church, visiting the museum of Saint Ignatius of Loyola and having Mass in the room where he was born and later converted by giving his whole life to God. I share a lot of his story in the video. We were able to venerate a relic while we were there.
Another ride to the beautiful countryside up into France brought us to Lourdes. This is always a bustling city full of deeply Catholic people coming to pray, show their devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, and ask God for healing. We arrived in time to visit the grotto and have a time of prayer inside the Grotto of Saint Bernadette.
Then a lovely dinner and someone out to join the procession and others went to bed. Hope you enjoy the videos including Monsignor Drolls excellent family in Loyola.        

