Ramallah in the Palestinian West Bank was once completely Christian. You can still see the crosses above the doors of the older homes. But Christians are now a small minority.
(Picture: Deacon Christoff from Germany and Fr. (Abuna, Father if Arabic) Vincent Nagel, Jewish convert from California, now priest in Ramallah)
Many have emigrated to countries like America or Canada. The Muslims have moved in and built mosques in front of all the old churches. Their minarets always have to be taller than the churches’ steeples.
My good friend Fr. Vincent Nagel is a Jewish convert and now Catholic priest. He is assigned to the Church of the Holy Family in Downtown Ramallah. We joined the friendly local Arab Christians for Mass and Adoration on Tuesday evening.
It is good to see young people at Mass along with the stalwart older folks. Their faith is strong even in adversity and oppression on Islam and the limitations of the Jewish state.
Pray for them and all the living stones of the Church in the Middle East as they maintain the holy sites and the fire of the faith.
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