I will join Sean Herriott early Wednesday morning to discuss Mary Magdalen — to commemorate her feast day on July 22. She is also very significant in light of the deceptive and destructive DaVinci Code.

We just returned from visiting Galilee and the ancient site of Magdala on the shore of the sea. Click on the image to see a picture of the site of the ruins today. Notre Dame Center just bought the land and will build a new Catholic Conference Center and hotel on the land — the Notre Dame Galilee.

Click here to listen on line and here for the archived show.

If you haven’t purchased the United States Bishops’ little booklet entitled The Authentic Jesus: Catholic Belief versus Modern Fiction, then I recommend you go to the USCCB website and purchase a few copies along with their DVD. This booklet takes 20 minutes to read but it is an EXCELLENT short rebuttal to the DaVinci Code and a nice review of what we believe about Jesus and the Gospels. Click on the image of the book.
