Mary, the Ark of the Covenant
by Steve Ray


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May is the Month of Mary. A friend asked me why Catholics think Mary is the Ark of the New Covenant so I took a day or two to explain. I post this on May 1 in honor of our Blessed Mother. The article starts:
“This is a very exciting topic and quite a thrilling romp through the Old and New Testaments. Luke wove marvelous things into his gospel that only a knowledgeable Jew would have understood at the time — one who knew the Jewish Scriptures and had ears to hear and eyes to see. . . . As you know, the Old Testament is overflowing with stories and people and history, many of which we call types. To me this is very exciting stuff. A type is a person, a thing, or an event in the Old Testament which prefigures its fulfillment or reality in the New Testament. In other words, it is like a picture which comes alive in a new and exciting way. . . .“
(I took this picture in “Mary the Ark of the Covenant Catholic Church“ in Abu Ghosh Israel, the very place the Ark was housed over 3,000 years ago.)

To see or purchase my DVD on Mary, Mother of God where I discuss these Marian topics on location in the Holy Land, click here.  For my interveiw with Cardinal Schonborn on Mary, click here and view the DVD with the blue cover.

To Read the whole article, click here

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