I have many wonderful friends in the Legion of Christ. I never go to Rome without dinner with Fr. Alfonso Aguilar LC. I look forward to the regular e-mails from Fr. Ben Cieply LC. We always stay at the Legionaries Notre Dame Center in Jerusalem with our pilgrimage groups. Fr. Aemon Kelly LC always gives our pilgrims marvelous tours of the Shroud of Turin Exhibit.
In April we will be visiting the Legionarie’s University in Rome with our 140 people “Turin group” to enjoy their Shroud of Turin display. Last year I gave a week-long series of talks at their Regina Apostolorum University. The men I know are great men — though they had the misfortune of a deceptive and sinful founder. It does not make me think any less of these men who have devoted themselves to the Lord and the priesthood.
Catholic World New just updated a new news article on the Legionaries.I agree with the words of Grisez. The sooner the collaborators are exposed and removed, the better — especially for the enthusiastic and holy priests who must carry on after this sad time in their history.
Legion of Christ waits for Vatican action
As the Legion of Christ waits to hear how the Vatican will respond to a report by the five bishops who led an apostolic visitation of the troubled order, an unusually balanced AP story explained how the decision poses a challenge for Pope Benedict. After the exposure of gross misconduct by the Legion’s founder, the late Father Marcial Maciel, the Vatican must decide whether other leaders of the order are tainted by involvement with Maciel. Moral theologian German Grisez says that the Legion must “identify those who knew about Maciel’s wrongdoing, get rid of them, and begin afresh.”
