Today was another banner day with beautiful weather and great events. Every one of the Legates are doing well and enjoy this trip immensely.

Today we had Mass at the Mount of Beatitudes where Jesus taught the Sermon on the Mount overlooking the Sea of Galilee.

Then we drove north to the Lebanese border to visit Banias — Caesarea Philippi of old — to see the huge rock and cave in front of which Jesus said “You are Peter and on the Rock I will build my Church.” We had lunch at a Druze Restaurant in the heart of the Golan Heights.

Next came the stop to view the border with Syria before returning to the Sea of Galilee and stopping at the Church of the Primacy of Peter. Three hours of free time in the afternoon was enjoyed by all before our very elegant and special dinner at Aberge Shulamit in Rosh Pina.


This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Paul Augustine

    Hello to the Janet, Steve, Amir, Issam, and the Legatus Pilgrims-
    Are you tired yet? 🙂
    I have been back in the WORLD for 2 days and I haven’t come down from the mountain yet.
    My prayers to everyone for growth in your faith, and making new friends while you are on your journey.

    God bless,
    P.S. My fish was bigger

  2. Debbie Rover

    The blog captures the spirit of your journey. What a wonderful experience for those of us at home to feel like part of the group. Chris, Jim, Jimmy and Amanda it was very special to witness the renewal of your wedding vows with Fr. John officiating. Wishing your entire group a safe and enjoyable trip. Gene, Debbie, Brandon and “the boys”(Red and Blue).

  3. Marshall Levijoki

    Hi Steve,

    I worked for Legatus for a few years. Just launched a website I thought you’d be interested in. If you like it, please forward URL to friends. Thanks. God bless.


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