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Our first full day in Galilee was a hot one! But everybody was excited and ready to get on with our pilgrimage. We started with an outdoor Mass at Beatitudes (homily here) then drove north to the Lebanese border and went to Caesarea Philippi where Jesus said “You are Peter in on this rock I will build my church.” I gave one of my favorite talks in titled “Peter, the Rock and the Keys.“

From there to our favorite Druze restaurant before overlooking the border into the country of Syria where we talked about the whole unfortunate situation here in the Middle East.  After driving through the Golan Heights we came back down to the Sea of Galilee to visit the Tabgha where Jesus multiplied loaves and fish, and yes, it was a real miracle! Then to the Primacy of Peter. Three hours of free time this afternoon and a wonderful dinner at the hotel.
