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We finished up our filming in Jordan today. We finished our last six scenes at the Jordan River. I had to get in up to my thighs. It’s the muddiest river you ever saw 🙂

Yesterday the sun are so hot and bright we had to discontinue at 2:00 PM because the cameras just could not function.  So we had to finish up at the Jordan River this morning before the sun got too high in the sky.

Tomorrow we drive north and cross from Jordan into Israel at the Sheikh Hussein Crossing. Will spend the night in Nazareth and begin our filming in the northern part of Israel on Thursday.

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Tom Govern

    Ever find a Raven? What a great work that you are doing even if you have to spray paint a pigeon.

    Tom, we did not get a raven in Jordan but we DO have a raven in Phoenix with an animal handler and we will cut that scene in and make it work. Thanks for your kind words and leave thought of you often over here 🙂

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