We just returned from the “Called to Lead” conference where I taught 4 classes and participated with two others. It was great to see Rosalind Moss, Fr. Mitch Pacwa, Jeff Cavins, Mark Shea and a bunch of other friends again. It was also great to see 600 Catholic educators there to learn how to study and teach the Bible in their parishes. It is about time Catholics get excited about this and get the ball rolling! Keep your eye open for this conference next year. It is really a gift to the Church and to Catholics everywhere.

Today the Logos Bible Software instructor is coming to my house for private tutoring. I have invited 6 friends to join me. We intend to be “power-users” by the end of the two day seminar. Bible software is incredible and has changed the way we can study the Bible. It has research power that the Fathers of the Church would have never believed possible.
