You walk in and the lady is dying. Her lips are cracked and swollen. She’s had no food or drink in four full days — she is starving.

But she is surrounded with “health care providers” so she will be OK, right? No! On the contrary — the phrase “health care providers” is a euphemism. These provide no health nor care — they are starving an innocent and helpless woman.

  • Save
You can’t even treat a dog like this in the USA. Imagine if you were actively starving a dog to death!?!?  The police would surround your house with machine guns and take the dog away and give it food and water.

Even when veterinarians  DO “put a dog to sleep” they give him a shot so it feels no pain and dies quickly. AND, if someone comes along willing to take the dog, they are glad to avoid killing it — but not so for Terri Shiavo who has loving parents that are begging to save – to take her home. 

No such luck for Terri Shiavo. The “murderers,” sanctioned by the courts of this “great” United States — watch as she suffers and wimpers in hunger and thirst — slowly dying of starvation and dehydration. And the doctors and nurses stand by . . . watching . . . held back by police and the courts.

But the mother and father arrive. Ah good!  Surely they will help their poor daughter — if only to quench her parched lips with a few pieces of ice to suck on. But alas, they are strip searched and forbidden to even touch their daughter — the girl that came from their very bodies — they are denied the freedom to put a pillow under her head, open the blinds, or give her a drink.

Soon she will be dead . . . think about that when you eat dinner tonight.

Imagine . . .  this is America, not Nazi Germany!  What is going on?
