Jordan Day : Mass at Our Lady of The Mountains, Birthplace of Elijah, Roman Jerash, Jabbok River

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Great first day! We left early and drove north up into the mountains of Jordan just 20 miles south of the Sea of Galilee for Mass at Our Lady of the Mountains where a miracle took place.

You can hear Fr. Gavin‘s homily here which was one of the finest opening homilies for a pilgrimage we’ve ever heard. Then to the birthplace of Elijah the Prophet at Mar Elias.

After a marvelous lunch we visited the Roman city of Jerash which is mentioned in the Bible under the name Gerasa. I talked about Jesus’ relationship with the city as one of the Decapolis which was even in the readings at Mass today. How amazing we were there for these readings!

From there we went to that Jabbok River where Jacob wrestled with the angel and then gave people some free time this afternoon to recuperate, have a great meal and to bed early for an exciting day tomorrow including driving south to Petra.
