Join Me on My Walking Tour of All of Fatima with Commentary, 21 videos, 147 pictures and an interactive map

Fatima is not just a shrine. It is the homes of the children, their parish church, the local cemetery, the places the angel met the children three times, the 93 year old niece of Lucia whom I prayed with, the well where they watered their sheep…

…AND the gorgeous shrine with the apparition chapel, the expansive square, the 8,900 seat church and exhibition — and the Basilica of our Lady of Fatima with the tombs of Lucia, Francesco and Jacinta. 

With my running shoes I covered all this ground for you — so you could join me on this intimate pilgrimage tour — to see a full documentary of it all with 147 photos, 21 videos with commentary and an interactive map. Enjoy!

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