Richard Maffeo

Richard was born into a Jewish home in 1950. Twenty-two years later, he discovered Jesus is the Jewish Messiah, and served Him in evangelical Protestant churches for more than thirty-two years. In 2005 he was received into the Catholic Church.
My movement in 1972 from Jewish faith to Christ was so profound an experience, I can tell you when it happened, where I was and what I was doing when I committed myself to the Lord and joined the Protestant church.
But I cannot tell you when I knew I belonged in the Catholic Church. That process was more gradual. I didn’t know I was moving toward Rome until I opened my eyes and discovered I had arrived.

When some of my Protestant friends found out about my reception into the Catholic Church they asked me why. They’d known me a long time, some more than 30 years. We’d studied Scripture together, attended similar evangelical churches and enjoyed lively debates about our beliefs.
Why did I become a Catholic Christian?
