Controversy erupts over letters between Pope John Paul, Wanda Poltawska
“Pope John Paul II’s closest aide is strongly criticizing Dr. Wanda Poltawska over her decision to publish five decades’ worth of private correspondence with the late Pontiff. Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz of Krakow says that Dr. Poltawska– a psychiatrist and concentration camp survivor– is claiming “a special relationship where none existed” and that many others corresponded privately with Pope John Paul.”
No one knew John Paul II like Dziwisz. I trust him and his opinion. People love the lurid and speculative. Many men and women have very special Platonic relationships. A good friendship or Platonic relationship between a man and a woman does not imply or suggest a luric story. Sorry, I don’t subscribe in this case.
Vatican officials deny delay on beatification for John Paul II
Vatican officials have rejected media reports that the cause for beatification of Pope John Paul II has been stalled by concerns about the late Pontiff’s correspondence with Dr. Wanda Poltawska. And Joaquin Navarro-Valls, the former spokesman for the Holy See, believes that the late Pope’s beatification could still take place with the year.
